Gnome made lots of new friends [here's Paula, Father Christmas and Alien]. He was pretty exhausted by it all and fell asleep half way through Tom Jones. He awoke with a start thinking he heard Tom sing The Green Green Arse of Gnome!!
Jane emptied a whole tent with just a small but lethal fart!!
The rest of Glastonbury has to be left to your imagination - but you'll need a good one.
Performers seen -
Fleet Foxes, The Specials, Lily Allen, Neil Young, Ray Davies, Tinariwen, Crosby Stills & Nash, Kasabian, Bruce Springsteen, Jamie Cullum, Blue Roses, Broken Recors, Status Quo, Tony Christie, Amadou et Mariam, Tom Jones, Madness, Bat for Lashes, Bon Iver, Glasvegas, The Magic Numbers.